Monday, March 19, 2012

Meyer Lemons

I just wanted to share my little "joy of the day" with you.  I have about 70 of these little beauties growing on my Meyer Lemon tree by the pool. Phil and BJ Eubanks gave us this tree a couple of months ago, and it's been such a thrill to see the blooms come out, then followed by little tiny green lemons!  Meyer lemons are unlike any I have ever seen in a grocery store!  They grow extremely large, are very thin-skinned, extremely juicy, and taste sweeter than regular lemons, like a cross between a lemon and an orange....mmm!!
I enjoy seeing the weekly progress of my little green friends, and look forward to sharing pictures of some giant yellow fruit in the future!


  1. I can't wait to have some Meyer lemonade this summer!!

  2. mom, they look great! Can't wait to taste! Like the blog!!

    1. paul, even better than just tasting, i'll give you some of them when they're ready!..... (and mail some to the lubbock dufs......gotta keep it even.....but, then, there's the postage involved.....guess i'll give them one less lemon) .... ;)
