Monday, April 23, 2012


Well, here's a few of my old dried-up okra pods from last year's crop.....I need to plant them soon, or else I won't have a crop this year! blows my mind that each tiny brown "dead" seed has life in it to bring forth a whole plant, which will in turn produce thousands of seeds itself!!...I mean, it could go on forever!.......I love God's economy!....this picture reminds me of a "Sanctity of Life" message I heard about how "you can count the seeds in an apple, but you can't count the apples in a seed".......the message compared each seed to the precious value of each human life and the amazing capacity of each life to impact others and multiply into the Kingdom of God.....our awesome God is a God of Life, and not just "ordinary" life, but abundant life......and not just abundant life in the here and now, but life that goes on forever...... I love that!